Thursday, July 25, 2013

Top 8 haunted places in Beijing I

Are you an atheist? Do you believe that ghosts really exist? As a city with a rich past, Beijing has quite a few spooky places that are thought to be haunted by the deceased. While some of the stories are groundless and have no actual proof, the sheer bone-chilling factor attached is enough to make the place attractive in a mysterious sense. One thing that can be said for sure is that next time you walk past Prince Gong’s Mansion and get shivers down your spine, you are not alone.
1 Imperial Palace
Top 8 haunted places in Beijing
With a history spanning over 600 years, these walls served as the Imperial Palace (must-see for China vacation deals)in the Ming and Qing dynasties, when execution for betrayal or disobedience was common and anyone who was against imperial rule was subject to death. Murder was often committed by a jealous concubine or envious guard. Too many died unnecessarily, creating these bloody red walls. The palace was transformed into a tourist site, with guards put in place in the late 1940s, when the protectors witnessed strange occurrences, including odd animals scurrying about the grounds late at night and a crying woman in white walking the grounds but not responding to people.
2 Gongwangfu (Prince Gong’s Mansion)

The mansion on Liuyin Street of Xicheng district was owned by a notoriously corrupt official of the Qing Dynasty, He Shen and his harem of 80 concubines. His only grace lay in his devotion to his wife, Feng Shi, who fell ill after their youngest son died in a battle against rebels. Then her devoted husband hired monks to pray for her health to return, only to find Feng dying of a broken heart. Rumor has it that the house was haunted by the ghosts of the lady as well as many former escorts of He Shen. Late at night, cries of the mother can be heard echoing through the mansion. Even security guards at the tourist spot say female ghosts in white can be seen wandering around the garden. If you are brave enough, you can visit here for your popular China tours
3 Guijie Guijie (Ghost Street)
Top 8 haunted places in Beijing
Located in Dongzhimen, Guijie is an essential part of life for Beijing citizens. Despite that fact that life here is colorful and peaceful in daytime and at night, far from being gloomy and scary, many ghost stories can be heard from the old timers. According to them, the name Guijie originated from Gui(鬼)jie(街), meaning a street haunted by ghosts; there were many shops selling coffins here with few shoppers several decades ago; business prospects seemed to be dimming since 1997, when the real street of catering came into being, thus spreading its name as a street haunted by ghosts. So if you are not interested, please do't go there for your best tours of China.
Address: Dongzhimen, Dongcheng district
4 Songpo Library
Top 8 haunted places in Beijing
Seated in Shihu Hutong No.7, Xicheng district, Songpo Library is special in Chinese history since it was the home of Wu Sangui, the general who abandoned Ming Emperor Chongzhen and defected due to his love for his charming courtesan Chen Yuanyuan, a truth proving the saying, ”a beauty can ruin the country.” However, the girl soon felt heartbroken and ended her life by hanging herself when Wu Sangui got tired of her after he took up a cushy post in the Qing court. And for the past 100 years, the girl has been haunting the hutong (must-see in Beijing for travel to China).
Address: Songpo Library 7 Shihu Hutong, Xicheng district.

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